This section contains the pictures of birds that have been significant enough to me to motivate me to take their picture. Some are all around good birds, others are less good. Some have interesting " pieces ", some are highlighted because they are the product of colour breeding. Regardless of the why, I hope that you enjoy looking at them.
Last changed on 12/21/08. This album contains 36 items
Fantails are my #1 breed, but they are not my only breed. I compete with Pigmy and English Pouters and I have Medium Faced Crested Helmets, Lahores, Parlour Rollers, Performing Rollers ( imported from Barrett and Brown ), and exotic coloured Rollers.
Last changed on 01/10/09. This album contains 10 items
This section will contain pictures of birds that are for sale. The 2 pictures presently here are just " place holders " for now. I presently do have 3 pairs of Helmets, 3 pairs of English and 3 pairs of Pigmies available for adoption. email me at if interested.
Last changed on 11/04/10. This album contains 2 items